Thursday, June 7, 2012

Bees in the Big Apple

Yes, I know, it has been much too long since my last post, no excuses. You have been patiently waiting to learn more about these wonderful creatures I rant and rave about. No excuses, so here I am with a short post to share this fun video about the bees that just moved into the penthouse of the Waldorf-Astoria in Manhattan. As you know, bee keeping has become legal in the city of New York only in the past couple of years, a buzz is building up through the streets of the five boroughs. Bees are starting to get the attention they deserve and hopefully, with a little help from everyone we will ensure their survival, and in turn ours!!

The Associated Press has a short one too:

I hope share many new pictures and videos of our own bees in my next post!!!

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